Thursday, 22 December 2011

Success Criteria in action

Here's an example of a lesson from MGl (English intern) which was judged Outstanding by her GTP assessor - interesting for use of simple, differentiated success criteria and models to guide students towards quality responses.

Monday, 12 December 2011

elearning in Maths

Here's JG taking year 10 through sample exam questions - for more of the same, see his blog on .

'Flipped' Teaching

This video was given to us by Bill Skilling from our partner school in Oxford, Michigan. In it, a drama teacher discusses ways that she has used elearning to 'flip' student learning.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Useful Software

Hi all - JS has found some free software for doing voiceovers from powerpoint / your computer screen - it's better than Jing as is totally free and has no time-limit - available for download here: for home computers, or let IT know if you'd like it on your school machine.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Sample Mocks Marking - Triple Science

Here's an example from JS of electronic mocks marking, linked to elearning videos to help students self-assess and learn about their weaker areas.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

A2 Psychology Revision - Diet Evaluation

Here's a Jing screencast from SA which models successful answers for A2 Psychology students - also available on . As ever, let TB know if you'd like to have a go.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Using Bitesize to Revise - History GCSE

Please see the below example of TH talking through a revision activity and modelling how to complete it - useful for kids who miss it in the lesson, absentees, base work etc.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Teaching Thinking Skills - 'Thinking Hats'

All - the lesson here from LD aims to push student thinking by teaching de Bono's '6 Thinking Hats' approach. The idea is to make thinking processes more explicit and help develop skilful, controlled and purposeful thinking. There's a useful article here , or see Leanne if you want to discuss.

elearning through film

Here's the 'elearning through film' guidance document as emailed around recently - get in touch with TB or PS if you are interested in pursuing.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Feedback innovation - using Excel / Word for quick, quality feedback

Please see the below example of feedback from English - generated using Excel, before mail-merging onto a Word template. Useful for generating quick, flexible, high-quality feedback. Guidance on how to mark in this way is available through these two vids: Video 1 and Video 2

Monday, 17 October 2011

AFL presentation

All - here is a voiceover film of TB's presentation on Independent Learning from the staff meeting on 12/10/2011. It should work, but if you click on it, it might take about 45 seconds before it starts - don't know why!

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Cherwell Online - YouTube Channel

Hi all,
This post represents a rather low-key launch for Cherwell's very own YouTube Channel, viewable at . It's rather sparsely populated at the moment, although Sociology and Business Studies have got the ball rolling with some excellent examples of revision videos - thanks to KB and colleagues on her work here!
If you would like to get involved in producing similar resources, please see TB or PS.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Independent Learning through Group and Pair Work

Here are short films overviewing the training on Co-operative Learning as delivered in September 2011. The film seems to take about 45 seconds after clicking on it before it starts - apologies for this, but it will get there in the end!

Materials from KB's Session on IL through Group work / projects

Independence through elearning - blogging


LC is running a blog to support colleagues in setting up and using blogs with their classes. She used this in the INSET session at the start of term, and it's available here:

The videos on the blog do work, but they seem to take about 45 seconds before they get going, so be prepared for a bit of a wait. Also, when clicking on a video, you may get the message 'Embedding Disabled by Request' - if this happens, click on the link below, which will say 'Watch on YouTube'.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


Welcome to the first post on the Cherwell Learning blog! This blog is designed to be a place where we can store, share and celebrate success, creativity and innovation in the field of learning and teaching at our school.
In particular, we are interested in storing training, sharing best practice, research etc, with the aim of building up a transparent and easily accessible library of resources and ideas.
If you would like to contribute to the blog, please get in touch with TB. Also, please feel free to comment on other posts if you have something to add or to question.